Mar 16Liked by Baird Brightman

Almost a week has passed and I've come back to this essay again. I'm convinced this is one of the best expositions on any topic I've read in Substack in the past year. A really notable effort.

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That's incredibly kind of you to say Michael. Thank you. I will admit I worked harder and longer researching and writing this essay than anything else I've done here. I still feel the heaviness and sadness of being immersed in that topic. The harm we do to each other and to other living beings is tragic. Oh well. It's in our nature.

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Mar 16Liked by Baird Brightman

Utmost bestial cruelty and unparalleled kindness. Was there ever a species with greater contrast?

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Indeed. But the kindness is less widely distributed. Hence the danger.

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I read The Body Keeps the Score. Fascinating book. I'm grateful for your overview of current directions of therapy. Sounds like it's heading in the right direction?

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I think we still know less about neuroscience/brain function than other bio fields. So it makes sense to be humble and cautious about predicting any treatment breakthroughs in the near term. If we focused more on preventing violence, it would do more good than any drug or therapy, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

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Mar 13Liked by Baird Brightman


Extraordinarily succinct treatise. I agree and thoroughly enjoyed it, espescially the section, A Short History. I particularly enjoyed the psychological difference (consequence) between watching a movie and actually being in the movie. I will respond again when I have the time. Thanks...

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Thank you Mark. I worked harder and longer on this than anything else I've done here, so your kind words are most appreciated! 🙏🏻

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Mar 10Liked by Baird Brightman

An eye opening treatise Baird. Almost a GUT. It makes me look at human history (and my own) from a whole new perspective. I've experienced many symptoms of PTSD, some have faded over the years, some are still strong decades after. A little like long Covid actually! The body/mind retains shadows of past trauma and violence. Every morning in the zendo I pray as part of the liturgy that all wars come to an end, all violence come to an end, all harmful acts, all bondage and coercion..

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Thanks Michael. It is a disturbing but important subject.

May your prayers be answered by whatever benevolent forces there may be. 🙏🏻

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Mar 10Liked by Baird Brightman

They will be answered I'm sure. It may be a matter of my willingness to see the fruition.

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